Serveurs Usagés Configurable sur Mesure!
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Showing 1–12 of 21 results
HP Workstation Z420 E5, Quadro Up to 8gb, up to 128gb mémoire, 5 HDD (Configurable sur mesure)
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HP Proliant DL 360 G9, x2 E5-V4, up to 768gb DDR4, 8Baie 2.5po (Configurable sur mesure)
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Dell Precision Rack 7910, 2X E5-2699 V3/V4, up to 768gb ddr4, 8 HDD 2.5po
$450,00 $175,00
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HP ProLiant DL 380 Gen 10, 2X Xeon Gold, up to 768Gb ddr4, 8 HDD 2.5po G10
$1.600,00 $1.050,00
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Lenovo TD350 2X E5-V4, Up to 384gb DDR4, 5x 3.5po ou 8x 2.5p
$800,00 $600,00
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Dell Poweredge R640, 2X Xeon Gold, up to 768 gb ddr4, 8x 2.5po
$1.500,00 $1.035,00
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Dell PowerEdge R730 XD, 12 HDD 3.5po (Up to 96TB), 2X E5-2699 V4, up to 1.5TB ddr4
$550,00 $399,00
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HP ProLiant DL 380 Gen 10 NVMe, 2X Xeon Gold, up to 768gb ddr4, 16x HDD 2.5po SAS SATA (Max 8x HDD NVMe) G10
$1.550,00 $1.215,00
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Dell Poweredge R740XD, 2X Xeon Gold, up to 768 gb ddr4, 12x 3.5po
$2.250,00 $1.610,00
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HP ProLiant DL380 Gen9, 12 HDD 3.5po (Up to 96TB), 2X E5-2699 V4, up to 1.5TB ddr4, G9
$690,00 $299,00
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Dell Poweredge R730, 2X E5-2699 V3/V4, up to 768gb ddr4, 8 HDD 2.5po
$400,00 $315,00
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Lenovo System x3650 M5, 2x E5-2699 V3-V4, up to 768Gb, 8Baie 2.5po
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Rajouter ou enlever de la mémoire ou des disques dur selon vos besoin
+35$ ou -35$ par 32gb ddr3
+55$ ou -55$ par 32gb ddr4
+35$ 900gb SAS 2.5p 7.2k
+65$ 1.2TB SAS 2.5p 10k
+40$ 200gb SSD SAS 6gb/s
+55$ 4TB SAS 3.5p (Spécial)
+130$ 8TB SAS 3.5p
Caddy comprit avec les HDD
100$ Rails Roulant pour les R720, G8 & G9
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